
Welcome to Envisor University’s NEW CLIENT ONBOARDING course. We are glad you are here!

At EU, we are passionate about your success. Our mission is for you to envision and achieve your greatest success. 

This course on NEW CLIENT ONBOARDING is designed to equip you for success in your role. In this course, we will provide some of the fundamental building blocks to ensure success in your role and advancement of your career.

The main objective is to learn reliable & effective tactics for bringing on new clients. These tactics can act as a template for change management: when changes with our internal personnel or changes with our customer’s personnel occur. In this course, key topics are discussed in video format. Each video is designed to cover a key learning topic followed by a few short questions after each to ensure understanding.

Key Topics:

  • Account management
  • Workflow & handoffs
  • First impressions: There’s only one chance at first impressions
  • A standardized process ( job package + internal start-up meeting + client meeting + production planning + follow-up )

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